
Although I work prefer to work self-directed,
I’d be happy to help you wherever possible!

Reach out for collaborations!👇

Just use the contact form below,
send me an email to
or DM me on Twitter.


If that’s what you want, then you know why you want it from or with me!
(I am not here to convince you)

Let me know what you need and we’ll find a solution. ✔

Mentorship & Facilitation

I’d be glad to connect you with entreprenuers from my network – for example those whom I interview.

You either know what you need or you don’t know how to solve a certain problem.

That’s the requirement for the pre-qualification for consulting- or mentorship-facilitation.

Anything else?

Is the anything else, I may do for you?

Are you press or want to collaborate?

You are welcome to to contact me as well.🤗