This morning I’ve had a call with a potential client – turned out not a client – who told me that she’ll actually get a website soon. But that she already decided to work with a certain web designer who is indeed the one most professional one in that niche.

I found the website of that designer before already just at the beginning of my #3Kin2 challenge. But I didn’t consider her as a competitor at that time, because I regarded her as positioned at a quite high price point.

However during that phone call I’ve learned that she obviously does a very good job. Which temporarily discouraged me.

I am not sure how I’ll position myself in that market actually. But from the beginning on I was actually aiming not to be a direct competitor to her – but rather a cheaper alternative (with less individual service).

However, now I fear that the people in that profession (especially the educational institutions from where I was planning to get most of my clients in the long run) will kind of reject me.

Achievement GMaps Scroll (Path to Automation)

small intermediate achievement: I managed to build a tool which is finally able to scroll though Google Maps for a certain search term in a certain region.πŸ™Œ

Next up: get the final HTML after all results are loaded on the page, then filter out the relevant information (link to google business page, website & telephone number) and write them into a spreadsheet.

If I can then make this tool run on my Raspberry Pi automatically for many regions and filter out the duplicates afterwards, then I’ll always have a fresh list of telephone numbers.

And the best part: It’s adjustable for any search term.πŸ™ŒπŸ˜

So currently I am quite confident that I can get this running. But I am fairly in doubt whether it actually makes sense and if this is the effective thing to do right now.

Keeping at it

Over the past years I’ve started so many things and in hindsight not really started anything, because I’ve always only worked on it for a few months. Working on one thing now for 2 months is super eye-opening for me, because I realize how I already got discouraged after a few days.

And there are still 50 days to go.🀯 Which on one hand is a lot of time.

And on the other hand it’s super short at the same time.πŸ˜