insights that lead me there

  • my body is f*cked
  • feel like I need to do more + think & write less
  • see ditched projects below

new priorities & projects

  1. NeverEmployed interviews
  2. finish webdesign work for current clients

NeverEmployed Interviews

  • continue weekly interviews
    • maybe German guests in German language
  • standardize & automate processes as much as possible

Finish Current Webdesign Clients

  • finish then don’t work with WordPres anymore

ditched projects

I freed myself from obligations with low value to take time for myself – my body, health, mind – & to refocus

coding instagram account

  • basically no feedback
  • focus on vanity metrics & not helping people
  • not actually helping but rather distracting people & myself from doing more valuable things
  • (lessons) learned
    • forget vanity metrics
    • help people instead of trying to growth-hack
    • deliver high quality instead of trivial distraction

#3kin2 – WordPress websites for alternative practitioners

  • building basic (WordPress) websites not valuable skill
  • appointments with clients to examine their (trivial) design wants for their (irrelevant) portfolio websites doesn’t feel like a valuable use of my time in the long run
    • don’t feel like learning a valuable skill on the way (execpt building basic WordPress websites)
    • maybe consulting – but consulting on a super trivial level from my point of view
  • (lessons) learned
    • building a web crawler with playwright & run it on Raspberry Pi
    • cold calling
    • once you identified pain points (aka. important needs) of your target group: make a clear offer & bring it to as many people as possible, instead of trying to do 1-on-1 consulting with people who can actually not afford it
    • focus on a target group whom you can actually help better
    • focus on a target group which has more urgent pain points (& who will pay a lot for their solution)

newsletter/blog (paused/no preassure)

  • don’t want to present myself as guru
  • neither want to waste my time, nor other people’s time
    • instead rather want to focus on acquiring valuable skills and helping people actually
  • (lessons) learned
    • don’t waste anyone’s time, talking about business just for the sake of talking about business
    • acquire, discuss & talk about own, existing businesses or ideas you are currently working on – in order to reflect your approaches, opportunities & eventually improve them

By the way:

I really like bullet list notes (or however you call this format). That’s one of the most intuitive ways for me to note down my thoughts effectively & quickly.

See you on the NeverEmployed Chat.πŸ€—