This is the summary day 18 in my #3Kin2 challenge.

Day 18 Plan๐Ÿ“†:

Today’s Results of Cold Calling

  • 126 cold callsโ˜‘
  • changed my cold calling script (to be more straight forward)
  • got 1 tip for a niche magazine for alternative practitioners
  • had one person who seems to be the perfect customer (but obviously didn’t want a website because of legal fear) – however she’ll redirect my email with the offer to people who might be interested

Cold Calls: Emotional Rollercoaster

Cold calling gives me super weird up & down feelings. One call can change your mood so drastically (temporarily) – either positive or negative.

However, having pre-searched & pre-sorted my contacts makes it way more efficient to call people. It’s still super time consuming. But I was able to do 126 cold calls in 3.5 hours (36 calls per hour).

Strategies other than Cold Calling

Nevertheless, I think that I should use other or at least additional marketing strategies. The cold calling is probably a good way to prove the pain point of this type of customer.

But I need marketing strategies which are more scalable. Especially because in the long run the whole concept of mass customized websites actually only works profitably on scale.

However I haven’t even started to work with a one single client since I started #3Kin2 actually. So let’s try not to try to scale to crazy and focus on the grunt work instead for now.

But let’s don’t be completely narrow-minded as well.๐Ÿ˜…

Client Work or Time Freedom?

Anyways in the end my main goal with this project is to achieve time freedom and not packing myself with freelance work as f*ck.

Starting with edits of existing websites may be beneficial to get started working for clients. This could be an easier option compared to selling websites to people who don’t have any yet.

I think what keeps me from doing that is that I still feel a huge resistance against locking myself inside client work and not having time to focus on bigger projects instead anymore.

It’s totally against the original idea of #3Kin2 actually.๐Ÿ˜… Because the easiest way to collect $3000 would probably be to do basic client work directly.

But on the other hand I am just on the way to starting something which could result in bigger benefits in the long run (within several months hopefully) – the most important benefit being time freedom (which is basically the opposite of client work).