10 Websites in 2 Weeks (Fail)

I've built 10 websites in 2 weeks.👩‍💻🎨 How I failed and why I'm lucky to have a Python🍀🐍 👇🧵 In the past I've made the experience that owners of small businesses and self-employed people often turn you down instantly when you cold call them to offer web design.🎨 But I...

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Sales, Life & Business Principles (Best of)

An incomplete collection ... Be a Go-Giver (Bob Burg & John David Mann) Law of Value"Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment." Law of Compensation“Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well...

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Start with Why (notes)

Notes on Start with Why by Simon Sinek - story- why- trust = actions in aligned with values/beliefs- values should be formulated in verbs (aka. measurable actions) rather than nouns- (company)culture- commonalities- (benefits over features)- start with why: belief...

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Priorities right now (22-12-23)

compared to last priorities from 22-12-09 insights that lead me there my body is f*cked feel like I need to do more + think & write less see ditched projects below new priorities & projects NeverEmployed interviews finish webdesign work for current clients...

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Closing Summary – #3Kin2

I started the 3Kin2 challenge because I wanted to prove to myself that I am able to make $3000 in 2 months in a self-directed way. TL;DR I failed to make $3000 in 2 months (my initial most important goal). In fact I didn't earn a single $. What happened? The idea of...

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Key Experiences & Refocus

Recently I had some key experiences (once again😅): self-reflective meeting with performance coach arrived at my physical limits Below, I share my lessons learned & the resulting consequences with you. Self-Reflective Meeting With Performance Coach Recently a...

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The Golden Circle of satisfactory Helping

When you grow up in an wealthy country (like I did in Germany) most people recommend that you should choose a profession which you like - which is fun for you. Learn something you enjoy doing. That's an awesome recommendation. The problem which several people pointed...

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